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Type of contraceptive
• Nonsteroidal oral contraceptive

Name the active ingredient and what is its pharmaceutical action?
The active ingredient is “Ormeloxifene”16 also known as “centchroman.” Centchroman is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It has some estrogenic effect (e.g., in bones) and some antiestrogenic effect (e.g., in uterus and breast).


What is vaccine vial monitor?
VVM is a small label stuck on the vial of a vaccine which changes color as the vaccine vial is exposed to heat.
The color of the VVM central square indicates if the vaccine is safe for use or not. It is a small light purple circle with a white square in the center. The square remains white if there is no exposure to heat. With heat exposure the square begins to darken. It registers the cumulative heat exposure over time.


Concentration of vitamin A in the solution
1,00,000 IU per mL

Which is the oil used
Arachis oil (peanut oil)

A total of how many doses are recommended.
Nine doses till 5 years of age.

The spoon supplied with the bottle has amarking inside. This indicates a volume of 1 mL.Completely filled spoon measures 2 mL.

Whether part of NIS?


Type of vaccine
Rabies vaccine (Fig. 4.14) is a killed vaccine. verorab insert
Two types of rabies vaccines are available; cell culture vaccines (CCVs) or Embryonated egg-based vaccine (EEV).

1. Cell Culture Vaccines
a) Human Diploid Cell Vaccine (HDCV), Liquid (Adsorbed), I.M dose; 1ml
b) Purified Chick Embryo Cell Vaccine (PCECV), I.M dose; 1ml
c) Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine (PVRV), I.M. 0.5ml or 1ml (depends on the manufacturer)

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)

Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine has been introduced in the NIS under UIP since May 2017.
In the first phase, the vaccine was rolled out in Himachal Pradesh and parts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Introduction in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan will follow and eventually be expanded to the country.

Vaccine Type: killed, conjugate vaccine
13 serotypes are individually conjugated to a nontoxic variant of diphtheria toxin.
It is a liquid preparation. After shaking, the vaccine is a homogenous, white suspension.


Currently, there are three types of JE vaccines in use:
1. The mouse brain-derived inactivated (Killed) vaccine.
2. The cell culture-derived inactivated (Killed) vaccine.
3. The cell culture-derived live, attenuated vaccine using SA 14-14-2 strain of JE virus.
Under the National program, the live attenuated (SA 14-14-2), cell culture-derived vaccine is used in India. It is presently manufactured in P. R. China. It is imported from there for use in India.


Type of vaccine
Killed, recombinant type

Route of administration
Intramuscular injection

0.5 mL till 10 years of age; adult dose: 1 mL


Side effects
Soreness, erythema, induration, fatigue, fever, malaise, influenza-like symptoms.
Less common systemic reactions include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abnormal liver function tests, arthralgia, myalgia, rash, pruritus and, insert

Measles Containing Vaccines (MCV)

Measles containing vaccines are available either as monovalent measles vaccine or in combination with rubella (MR) or mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines and with mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine.
Measles, MR and MMR have been used under NIS. Presently, MR vaccine is to be made available under routine immunization across the country.
Measles containing vaccines


99DOTS has been launched in India to track adherence of TB/HIV co-infected patients
It is an initiative under TB-HIV coordination


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