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Bore-Hole Latrine

Bore-hole latrine can be seen as a sanitation milestone in India. It pioneered the advancement from service type to sanitary latrines.
• First introduced in the 1930s by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of a campaign against hookworm infestations
• It involved boring a vertical hole with a
o Diameter of approximately 30 to 40 cm (12–16 inches) and a
o Depth ranging from 4 to 8 meters (13–26 feet), with 6 meters (20 feet) being the most common.
• To create this borehole, a specialized tool called an auger was required.

Sanitary Latrine

Why Should a Medical Student Care About Toilets?
As an MBBS student, you might think your primary focus should be on treating diseases, diagnosing conditions, and understanding human anatomy. But what if you are told that one of the greatest medical inventions isn’t a new drug, but a properly designed latrine?
Yes, something as simple as a ‘sanitary latrine’ can prevent millions of infections, reduce childhood mortality, and even improve nutritional outcomes.
First, what is meant by ‘Sanitary’?

Indoor Air Pollution: The Silent Thief in Your Living Room

We’ve all heard about smog hanging over cities, but what about the air inside your home? It might surprise you to learn that the air you breathe within four walls can be just as, if not more, polluted than the air outside.
Think of your home as a cozy haven? Think again. A silent thief could be lurking, impacting your health without you even realizing it. That thief is indoor air pollution.

National Clean Air Program (NCAP, 2019) as in 2025

The National Clean Air Program (NCAP) was launched in January, 2019 by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India for developing a national level strategy to tackle the air pollution throughout the country.
Some government initiatives for tackling air pollution had already been in place. These were:
NATIONAL AIR QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAMME: 703 air quality monitoring stations in 71 cities in the country. These measure PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, ammonia (NH3), CO, ozone (O3), and benzene.

Diseases Covered under NIS (National Immunization Schedule) of India: 2024

Vaccination can be availed against 12 vaccine preventable diseases:
Nationally against 11 diseases-
1. Diphtheria,
2. Pertussis,
3. Tetanus,
4. Polio,
5. Measles,
6. Rubella,
7. Severe form of childhood Tuberculosis,
8. Rotavirus Diarrhoea,
9. Hepatitis B,
10. Meningitis & Pneumonia caused by Hemophilus Influenza Type B
11. Pneumococcal Pneumonia
Sub-nationally against 1 Disease –


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