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Flip – charts

Series of charts/posters
Each with an illustration pertaining to the topic
Shown one after another
Each chart is ‘flashed’ before the group
Designed to hold the attention of the group

Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 23rd ed

Flannel graph

A piece of rough flannel or khadi is fixed over a wooden frame
Used for displaying cutouts, photos etc.
These have a rough surface at the back and hence self-adhere to the flannel
Pictures displayed in a logical series help maintain continuity and holds the attention

Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 23rd ed

Methods of Communication - Mass Approach

Meant to educate the whole community
• Useful in transmitting messages to people even in remotest places
• Number of people reached is in millions
• High returns for the time and money involved
• One way communication
• Generally inadequate in changing behavior
• Useful for creating a political will in favor of health, raising health consciousness of people

– Most popular
– Useful in creating awareness and forming opinions
– One way channel

Role Playing (Socio – Drama)

Role-play is widely used as an educational method for learning about communication in medical education
Some volunteers from the audience adopt certain roles such as doctor or villager and act out those roles in character

The situation is dramatized by the group
• Members enact the scenario as they have observed or experienced them

• The audience is not passive but actively involved
– They can suggest alternative solutions
– They can come up and actively demonstrate how they feel a particular role should be handled


A workshop is a single, short educational program designed to teach or introduce to participants practical skills, techniques, or ideas which they can then use in their work or their daily lives.
• Consists of a series of 4 – 5 meetings
• With emphasis on individual work
• With the help of consultants and resource personnel

Delphi Method

It is a structured communication technique which relies on a panel of experts
The Delphi technique is a method of collecting opinion on a particular research question
It is based on the premise that pooled intelligence enhances individual judgement and captures the collective opinion of a group of experts without being physically assembled

1. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds.

2. After each round, a facilitator provides summary of the experts' forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments.

Panel Discussion

4 – 8 qualified persons sit and talk about the topic
– In front of a large audience
– A chairman (moderator)
– 4 – 8 speakers
Panel discussion:
1. The chairman opens the meeting
a. Welcomes the group
b. Introduces the panel speakers
c. Introduces the topic and
d. Invites the panel speakers to present their point of view
e. The discussion begins
• There is no specific agenda, order of speaking and no set speeches
• The chairman’s duty is to keep the discussion going and develop the train of thought

Group Discussion

Here, the group is an aggregation of people in a face – to – face situation
For optimum impact:
• Group size should not be <6 or > 12 including
• One group leader who:
– initiates the subject discussion
– Helps proper progress of the discussion
– Prevents side – conversation
– Everyone to participate
– Sums up the discussion
• One recorder, a person to record whatever is discussed
– The recorder prepares a report on the issues discussed and agreements reached


• Carefully prepared presentation to show how to perform a skill or procedure
• The procedure (e.g. L.P.) is carried out step by step before the audience
• The demonstrator ascertains that the audience understands the steps of performing the procedure
• The audience is involved in the discussion


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