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Nutrition in an Egg

Mention its nutritive value per 100gm.
• Proteins—13.3 g per 100 g (an average egg weighs around 60-70 g)
• Fat—13.3 g per 100 g
• Carbohydrates—nil
• Energy—173 kcal per 100 g
• Provides all vitamins except vitamin C

Nutritive value in terms of content per egg weighing 60 g
• Proteins—6 g
• Fat—6 g
• Carbohydrates—nil
• Energy—70 kcal

Jaggery (gud)

Jaggery's nutritive value.
• 383 kcal per 100 g
• Iron 11.4 mg/100 g
• Calcium 80 mg/100 g
• Carotene 165 mg

How does jaggery differ from sugar?
Jaggery contains iron, calcium, and carotene which are not present in sugar.

Where does the iron content of jaggery come from?
The iron in jaggery comes from the iron pots in which the sugarcane juice is boiled to make jaggery.

Common Vegetable Oils used in India

What is its caloric value?
Caloric value of all oils and ghee is 9 kcal per gram or 900 kcal per 100 g.

How is it different from hydrogenated oil?
• It contains good amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, both, MUFA and PUFA.
• It is also rich in essential fatty acids (EFA).
• Hydrogenated oils have mainly saturated fatty acids and they are poor in EFA.

Mention its advantages over hydrogenated oil?
It has higher content of MUFA and PUFA and is richer in EFA.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

Which organization regulates food quality in India?
The ‘Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’ (FSSAI) is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.
It is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the ‘Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006’

Ice Pack

Write its two uses in public health.
1. Maintaining cold chain by using frozen ice packs in vaccine carriers and cold boxes.
2. For keeping reconstituted BCG, measles containing vaccines, rotavirus, JE and OPV during the immunization session if no other option is available. Reconstituted vaccines must be discarded after 4 hours of reconstitution.


A hub cutter (manual syringe and needle destroyer) is displayed from two different angles in Figure
Identification features
• One or two insertion holes for the syringe
• Two handles (attached to the blades which cut the syringe hub)
• One plastic container (into which the cutoff parts of the syringe and the needle are retained)

What is the use of this?
This is used to destroy the disposable or autodisable (AD) syringe after use.


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