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4 Resources Recommended for PSM (Community Medicine)

1. Theory: Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, Bhanot Publishers, CHECK the LATEST Edition. New editions are launched almost every 2 years

2. Practical: Mastering Practicals - Community Medicine, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Buy here:
Right now only the first edition is out. If you can wait, the second edition is expected in the second half of this year. If the examination is soon or you don't mind buying two editions, buy the current one and the second edition too, when it is launched.
Following chapters have been overhauled in the 2nd edition:
* Immunization
* Bio- Medical Waste Management

3. General epidemiology: 'Epidemiology Made Easy', Jaypee publishers.
epidemiology made easy
Buy here:
This book is as interesting as a novel. By the time you finish it, the concepts of epidemiology are very clear and you are ready to delve into more detailed books if you want to pursue a career in epidemiology.
For an undergraduate (MBBS, Nursing, BAMS, etc.), the book makes epidemiology a breeze to understand and perform well in written exam and viva.

4. Online lectures in P S M (Community Medicine):

Terms used in Family Health Study: Definitions and Explanations: