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Format for Clinico-Social Case Taking in Community Medicine

The objective of clinico-social case (CSC) taking is to examine the "index case” in the milieu of
• His/her family and
• Environment

The aim is to make a comprehensive diagnosis and to suggest a comprehensive treatment.
Therefore in addition to clinical history and examination of the index case, information should also be collected about important health issues of other family members and also the living environment of the case.

Growth Chart Plotting & Dietary Counselling for Under-5 children: Guide for Health Workers

WHY, Dietary Counselling?
• SAM = Severe Acute Malnutrition
• MAM = Moderate Acute Malnutrition
• Under-nourished children (MAM & SAM) have serious consequences
– Increased morbidity and increased risk of infections
– Increased mortality
– impaired physical and
– Impaired cognitive development, compromised IQ even in adulthood
– Develop into stunted adults
– Increased disease even in adulthood
– SAM is potentially life threatening as associated with complications

Mosquito Breeding Areas in Households

Some common places to check for water accumulation are as follows:
Inside the house
• Desert coolers
• Flower vase
• Potted plants
• Water tanges, cisterns, and other stored water
• Old cans, tires, coconut shells, bottles lying in open, etc.
Around the house
• Puddles and roadside ditches
• Open drains
• Cess pools
• Soakage pits
• Old non-functioning fountains, bird baths, ornamental pools, etc.

Iodized Salt

What are the levels of iodine in the iodized salt at the production and the consumption level?
• At the production level—Not less than 30 ppm (parts per million)
• At the consumption level—Not less than 15 ppm

Name the regulation under which these levels are fixed.
The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

Nutritional Value of Commonly Consumed Nuts

Comment on the quality of fat.
Groundnut oil is high in MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) content.

What is its role in nutritional rehabilitation?
The multipurpose food used in National Nutrition Program is prepared by mixing 75% groundnut flour (after fat extraction) and 25% roasted red gram flour.

Among all the nuts which one has the highest content of iron?
Pistachio—14 mg per 100 g


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