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Medical Record Linkage

Medical Record Linkage
• Record linkage means bringing together information that relates to the same individual or family, from different data sources. In this way it is possible to construct chronological sequences of health events for individuals
• The records may originate in different time or places.
• Medical record linkage implies the gathering and maintenance of one file for each individual in a population, with records relating to his/her health.
• The events commonly recorded are
– birth, marriage, death,
– hospital admission and discharge

List of Notifiable diseases in India

List of Notifiable diseases in India
Note: the list is not comprehensive as an official list could not be found
2. Dengue fever
3. Hepatitis B
4. Malaria
5. Whooping cough (Pertussis)
6. Rabies
7. Tetanus
8. Viral encephalitis
9. Anemia
10. Chickenpox
11. Diphtheria
12. Influenza
13. Measles
14. Plague
15. Smallpox
16. Tuberculosis
17. Malnutrition
18. Iodine deficiency
19. Cholera
20. Hepatitis A
21. Leprosy
22. Cerebro spinal fever

Disease Notification

Notification of Diseases
1. Disease notification is a practice of reporting the occurrence of a specific disease or health-related condition to the appropriate and designated authority.
2. A notifiable disease is any disease that is required by law to be reported to government authorities.
3. Effective notification allows the authorities to monitor the disease, and provides early warning of possible outbreaks

Sample Registration System (SRS)

The civil registration system in India has a lot to be improved and would require a huge effort and time. A need for having an alternate source of such information was felt. The Government of India, in the late 1960s, initiated the Sample Registration System (SRS).
SRS aims to provide reliable estimates of birth and death rates for the States and also at All India level. Following features of SRS ensure the completeness of vital events reporting:
1. A representative sample of the population is covered and NOT the WHOLE population

1. Registration of Vital Events (Civil Registration System)

Unlike Census, ‘’Registration of vital events’’ maintains a continuous record of demographic trends.
Definition (UN): ‘legal registration, statistical recording and reporting of the occurrence of and the collection, compilation, presentation, analysis and distribution of statistics pertaining to vital events’
Vital events include:
a. Live births
b. Deaths
c. Fetal deaths
d. Marriage
e. Divorce
f. Adoptions
g. Legitimations
h. Recognitions
i. Annulments and
j. Legal separations


Definition of Census (UN): ‘The total process of collecting, compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining at a specified time or times, to ALL persons in a country or delimited territory’.
It is massive undertaking to contact every member of the population in a given time and collect a variety of information
It needs
• Massive preparation and
• Several years to analyze the results after census is taken
• This is the main problem of census as a data source i.e. that the results are not available quickly
Census in India


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