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Making of an MBBS – Why you should take the UG course very seriously

Aspects to be Built – up During MBBS Course
1.Medical knowledge (theory)
2.Clinical skills

• Clinical History taking
• Physical Examination (General & Systemic)
3.Critical thinking for applying the medical knowledge, clinical skills and analyze the findings to
a. Arrive at the correct diagnosis/differential diagnoses
b. Advise further investigations
c. Suggest plan of treatment & Initiate first-line management
4.Professional attitude, communication and team leadership

HOW are the Objectives Achieved?
MBBS course has following divisions:
I. First Professional (Phase -1)
II. Second Professional (Phase- 2)
III. Third Professional Part-1 (Phase- 3; Part–1)
IV. Electives (2 months)
V. Third Professional Part-2 (Phase- 3; Part–2)
VI. Rotating Internship
• The communication skills are to be developed by means of different modules for each Professional phase of the MBBS Course
• Module on Pandemic Management for each phase

First Professional (1 + 12 months)
Foundation course of 1 month, followed by:
1. Anatomy
2. Physiology
3. Biochemistry
4. Introduction of Community Medicine (not examined in this phase final examination)
Dissection of human cadaver for teaching human anatomy
This knowledge is relevant in diagnosis, patient care and treatment
– Ensure respectful handling of human cadavers during dissection
Human physiology:
It teaches the functioning of a human body and forms the foundation of medicine
Practical training would include Measuring BP, Clinical Examination of body systems, Hb est., blood grouping, ECG etc.
Teaches about human metabolism
Practical training includes procedures of a Bio-chem laboratory e.g. Urine examination, GTT etc.
Each subject has standard textbooks and lectures for theory.
AETCOM modules for first Professional phase
Pandemic Management Module 1.1

Second Professional (12 Months)
1. Pathology: theory and practical
2. Microbiology: theory and practical
3. Pharmacology: theory and practical
4. Forensic Medicine & Toxicology: theory and practical
5. Community Medicine
6. Introduction to clinical subjects
7. Clinical postings (in All clinical departments Including Community Medicine)
• AETCOM module for 2nd Prof
• Pandemic Management Modules 2.1 – 2.5

Final Examination
1. Pathology
2. Microbiology &
3. Pharmacology

Third Professional Part- I (12 Months)
1. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
2. Ophthalmology
3. Community Medicine
4. Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
5. Other Clinical Subjects (these will not be evaluated this year)
6. Clinical postings in all clinical departments
• Pandemic Management Module 3.1-3.3
Final Examination
1. Ophthalmology
2. Otorhinolaryngology
3. Community Medicine and
4. Forensic Medicine

Electives (2 months)
• Elective blocks of 04 weeks each:
1. Block 1 in preclinical or Para‐clinical department
2. Block 2 in a clinical department (Including specialties, super‐specialties, ICUs, blood bank and casualty)
• Assessment in between and at the end of each elective posting
• This assessment shall count towards internal marks.

Third Professional Part- II (12 months)
1. General Medicine
2. Pediatrics
3. General Surgery & Orthopedics
4. Obstetrics & Gynecology including Family welfare & allied specialties
5. Clinical postings/ subjects
7. Pandemic Management Module 4.1 – 4.6
Final Examination
1. General Medicine,
2. General Surgery,
3. Obstetrics & Gyanaecology
4. Paediatrics.

Internship: Rotation Postings in all Clinical Departments
By the end of internship, a medical graduate should be able to:
• Demonstrate the critical thinking needed for applying
1. Scientific theory and
2. Clinical examination skills
• To interpret the symptoms and signs present in the patient thereby
1. Reaching a Diagnosis/ Differential Diagnoses
2. Determine the appropriate investigations and
3. Initiate first-line management as per the standard protocols

Be informed that if all the
• Theory classes
• Practical classes and
• Clinical postings are
1. Systematically scheduled by the institution and
2. Attended attentively by the student plus
3. Self–reading of the prescribed books is done,
The MBBS course is designed to create a competent medical graduate & one still gets fair amount of personal time

M.B; B.S Course: a Unique Opportunity
An MBBS student is in a unique position where
• One can interact with and examine the patients
• Who are under the care of experienced doctors and
– The UG student ONLY learns from them
• He/she presents the findings to experienced doctors
– Who evaluate and rectify any shortcomings
Hence UG (MBBS) course gives you an environment to learn by making mistakes, without affecting patient care
• Which will never be granted AFTER graduation
– It’s a unique opportunity to learn techniques required to make a competent medical graduate
If this time is not fully utilized for any reason, a doctor will always lack somewhere in optimum clinical proficiency
– And that can be perceived by the patients and colleagues

Stages of UG Training for Attaining the Skills of a MBBS Graduate
The first year MBBS student is expected to learn the structure and functioning of the human body through lectures, books and practical
In the 2nd year, Apart from theory, they are expected to learn the competencies of
1. Appropriate history taking
– After establishing rapport with the patients and relatives
2. Thorough clinical examination
• During the clinical postings
In 3rd, 4th and final year they are expected to further mature the skills of:
1. History taking
2. General physical examination and
3. Thorough systemic examination
In these years, clinical subjects are taught in theory lectures so that:
• The above skills get progressively refined as the student gathers theoretical knowledge
In Internship, the student is rotated in ALL clinical departments where the skills are put to practice in delivering actual patient care (under supervision)

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
If clinical training is compromised for any reason like:
– Only online theory & practical classes could be held during the pandemic
– Shortage of training staff etc.
In such situations an MBBS student may minimize the damage by
– Some self-training as per the training schedule explained
• Refer to standard textbooks for learning history taking & examination
• Learn GPE and SE through online training videos.
– Be sure to identify authentic websites and videos
• Practice these skills on ALL the family members, visitors, friends, neighbors etc.
• This way you will know at least what normal findings are.
– How do normal breathing sounds sound?
– How does a normal chest, precordium, abdomen etc. look and feel on palpation, percussion and auscultation?
– This may serve as preventive health checkup too!
• PRESENT your findings to:
– Doctors who are willing to help
– Seniors or
– Your batch mates (can present to each other)
• So that You may be prepared by the time you get to examine real patients
Another lecture/blog for suggested books and links

• Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum. National Medical Commission website. Available at:, accessed on 3rd June 3, 2021, at 3:00 PM
• Jacob KS. Medical Council of India's New Competency-Based Curriculum for Medical Graduates: A Critical Appraisal. Indian J Psychol Med. 2019;41(3):203-209. doi:10.4103/IJPSYM.IJPSYM_166_19
• Anne D Souza, Sushma R. Kotian, Arvind K. Pandey, Pragna R et al. 2020. Cadaver as a first teacher: A module to learn the ethics and values of cadaveric dissection. J Taibah Univ Med Sci. 2020 Apr; 15(2): 94–101
• Vagha J. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2020;7(2):76–77
• COMPETENCIES REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION. University of Minnesota website. Available at:

Lecture on 'Making of a MBBS:
Lecture in HINDI on Making of MBBS:

Links for clinical training videos:
Actual Case Presentations by M.B; B.S students - Links: