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Mudaliar Committee

"Health Survey and Planning Committee" 1962
• "Health Survey and Planning Committee"
The system of successive 5-yr. plans
– For organized development of the country –Started in 1951
•As the Second Five Year Plan (1956-61) was ending
– >10 yrs. had elapsed following Bhore committee report
•Guidelines for further development of National health services were needed
– In the context of the Five year Plans
•In 1959, the Government of India appointed another Committee known as
– "Health Survey and Planning Committee",
•Health Survey and Planning Committee – Popularly known as the Mudaliar Committee
Chairman, Dr. A.L. Mudaliar
1. To survey the progress made in the field of health
– Since submission of the Bhore Committee's Report (1946)
2. To make recommendations for future development and expansion of health services.
The committee submitted its report in 1962
The Mudaliar Committee found:
Quality of healthcare provided by the primary health centres was unsatisfactory
Felt the need for strengthening the:
1. Existing primary health centres
– Before new centres were established.
2. Sub-divisional and district hospitals
– so that they may effectively function as referral centres
Main Recommendations of the Mudaliar Committee, 1962
(1) Consolidate the progress made in first two 5-year plans
(2) Strengthen the district hospitals with Specialists
– So that they can act as good referral centers and
– To serve as central base of regional services
(3) Create a regional administrative level between
– The headquarters at state level and
– The district level
– In charge of a Regional Deputy or Assistant Directors
– Each to supervise 2 or 3 district medical and health officers
(4) Each primary health centre should cater to a maximum of 40,000 population
(5) To improve the quality of health care provided by the primary health centres
(6) Integration of medical and health services as recommended by the Bhore Committee
(7) Constitution of an All India Health Service on the pattern of Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
• Park, K. (2021) Parks Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 26th Edition, M/S Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur
• Rajvir Bhalwar (2021) Textbook Of Community Medicine 3rd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins – India, Wolters Kluwer Gurugram

Bhore Committee:
Lecture on Bhore committee:
Mudaliar Committee:
Lectures on Mudaliar committee:
Chadha Committee:
Lecture on Chadha Committee: