Management Techniques and Health – 1
Lecture available here:
Lecture available here:
For lecture click:
Health Planning is defined as: The process of
Commonly used tests of significance are
For qualitative data: (comparing two proportions)
For quantitative data: (comparing two means)
Chi – square test
• Applied on qualitative data
• Equally applicable on small and large samples
• Can be applied if there are more than 2 categories
Definition of an ‘Epidemic’
The occurrence in a community, of cases of a particular disease in numbers which are clearly ‘in excess’ of that ‘expected’ for that population and for that time of the year
The first blog in the series was Epidemiology-1.
It is number of NEW cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time.
Formula of Incidence:
(no.of NEW cases in a defined population during a specified time period )/(Population at risk during the same time period) X 1000
Definition of ‘Epidemiology’
The study of distribution and determinants of health related states in specified populations and the application of this study to control the health problems.
Aims of Epidemiology
1. Describing disease and health related events in specified populations
2. Understanding causation of disease and
3. To provide data for planning of health services
Types of data:
I. Qualitative-
India’s achievements on Millennium Developmental Goals (MDG)
Yes, you see it right. It indeed is!!
Yet, the undergraduate students often find it to be very tough and demanding. The need is to clarify the concepts to the students. If the concepts are simplified for them, it’s like a cakewalk.
Reading the textbooks after this would also be easier. Moreover it is the concept that matters and not just mugging up the dates, objectives, rates etc.
The website: has been planned with this purpose.