List of Notifiable diseases in India
Note: the list is not comprehensive as an official list could not be found
2. Dengue fever
3. Hepatitis B
4. Malaria
5. Whooping cough (Pertussis)
6. Rabies
7. Tetanus
8. Viral encephalitis
9. Anemia
10. Chickenpox
11. Diphtheria
12. Influenza
13. Measles
14. Plague
15. Smallpox
16. Tuberculosis
17. Malnutrition
18. Iodine deficiency
19. Cholera
20. Hepatitis A
21. Leprosy
22. Cerebro spinal fever
23. Polio
24. Scarlet fever
25. Typhoid fever
26. Vitamin A defciency
Reference: Accessed on 6.July.2016