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Bhore Committee

Health Survey and Development Committee, 1946
Appointed by the Government of India in 1943
– Sir Joseph Bhore as Chairman
1. 1. To survey the then existing position regarding the
– Health conditions and
– Health organization in the country
2. To make recommendations for the future development.

Submitted its report in 1946
• First time proposed a national program for improving health services in the country.
• The Committee observed :
"If the nation's health is to be built, – the health program should be developed
1. On a foundation of preventive health
2. Preventive activities should proceed side by side with those concerned with the treatment of patients."
Some Important Recommendations
(1) Integration of preventive and curative services at all administrative levels
(2) Development of primary health centres in 2 stages:
(a) A short-term measure-
1. Primary health centre in the rural areas 1/40,000 population
2. Secondary health centre to serve as a supervisory, coordinating and referral institution.
(b) (b) A long-term programme (also k/a the 3 million plan)
1. Primary health units, 1/10,000 to 20,000 population
• with 75-bedded hospitals and
2. Secondary units with 650-bedded hospitals,
3. District hospitals with 2,500 beds;
(3) Major changes in medical education
– including 3 month's training in Preventive and Social Medicine to prepare "social physicians"

The short term PHC should cater to a population of 40,000
•Staff suggested for each PHC,
– 2medical officers,
– 4 public health nurses,
– 1nurse,
– 4 midwives,
– 4 trained dais,
– 2 sanitary inspectors,
– 2 health assistants,
– 1pharmacist, and
– 15 other class IV employees were recommended

The Committee's Report continues to be a major national document,
• It has provided guidelines for national health planning in India.
– Even thoughThe Bhore Committee's recommendations Did not form part of a comprehensive plan for national socioeconomic development,
• Park, K. (2021) Parks Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 26th Edition, M/S Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur

Bhore Committee:
Lecture on Bhore committee:
Mudaliar Committee:
Lectures on Mudaliar committee:
Chadha Committee:
Lecture on Chadha Committee: